Archery Safety Guidelines

Archery is a fun and rewarding sport that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and abilities. However, like any sport, it also involves some risks and responsibilities. To ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for yourself and others, please follow these basic safety guidelines:

  1. Before Shooting
  2. During Shooting
  3. After Shooting
  • Check your equipment for any damage or defects. Do not use any equipment that is broken, cracked, frayed, or otherwise unsafe. If you are unsure about the condition of your equipment, ask a qualified coach or judge for advice.
  • Where you are able to do so, help to set up the range with targets, range markers, safety equipment, and target bosses.
  • Wear appropriate clothing and protective gear. Avoid loose or baggy clothing that could get caught in your bowstring or interfere with your shooting. Wear an armguard to protect your forearm from the bowstring, a finger tab or glove to protect your fingers from the string, and a chest guard if needed to prevent clothing from touching the string. You may also wear a bracer to protect your wrist from the bow limb, and a quiver to hold your arrows.
  • Follow the rules and etiquette of the range.
  • Respect the authority of the field captain, who is in charge of the safety and conduct of the shooting.
  • Obey the whistle signals:
    • One blast means start shooting.
    • Three blasts mean stop shooting and go to the target.
  • Do not shoot or cross the shooting line unless the field captain gives permission.
  • Do not touch or interfere with other archers’ equipment or arrows.
  • Do not distract or disturb other archers while they are shooting.
  • Be aware of your surroundings and potential hazards.
  • Make sure you have a clear and safe shooting lane, and that there are no people, animals, or objects behind or near the target.
  • Do not shoot at anything other than the designated target.
  • Do not shoot if the weather conditions are unsafe, such as strong wind, rain, lightning, or poor visibility. (Field Captain will determine)
  • If anyone present where archery is taking place becomes aware that shooting should be halted for safety reasons, that person must call “FAST”. On hearing this call, all archers must immediately stop shooting, returning all unshot arrows to the quiver. If necessary, the call of “FAST” should be repeated by other archers to ensure that everyone has heard and stopped shooting. Shooting will recommence only on the instruction of the Field Captain.
  • Always point your bow and arrow in a safe direction. Never point your bow at anyone, even if there is no arrow drawn. Never draw your bow without an arrow, as this could damage your bow or injure yourself. Never shoot an arrow high into the air, as you cannot predict where it will land. Keep your arrow pointed towards the ground as you nock it.
  • Shoot only when it is safe and clear to do so. Make sure there is no one in front of you or behind the target. Wait for the field captain’s signal before shooting. Shoot only at your own target and from your own shooting position. Do not shoot more arrows than the number of targets or the time limit allows.
  • Be careful when handling and retrieving arrows. Do not run or walk backwards on the range. Approach the target slowly and carefully, and watch out for arrows sticking out of the ground or the target. Do not pull out other archers’ arrows without their permission. Use both hands to pull out your arrows, and twist them gently as you pull. Do not pull out arrows by the fletching, as this could damage the arrow or hurt your hand. Count your arrows and make sure you have retrieved them all before leaving the target.
  • If anyone present where archery is taking place becomes aware that shooting should be halted for safety reasons, that person must call “FAST”. On hearing this call, all archers must immediately stop shooting, returning all unshot arrows to the quiver. If necessary, the call of “FAST” should be repeated by other archers to ensure that everyone has heard and stopped shooting. Shooting will recommence only on the instruction of the Field Captain.
  • Where you are able, support the club by helping to put away equipment and ensure the range is clean and tidy.
  • Store your equipment properly and safely. Unstring your bow and place it in a bow case or bag. Put your arrows in a quiver or a tube. Do not leave your equipment unattended or in a place where it could be damaged or stolen. Do not lend your equipment to anyone without your supervision and consent.
  • Report any accidents or incidents to the Field Captain or the Club Officials. If you or someone else gets injured, seek medical attention immediately. If you damage or lose any equipment, inform the owner or the club. If you witness or experience any unsafe or inappropriate behaviour, report it to the Field Captain or Club Official.
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